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Media project management

Institute: Széchenyi István University, Győr
The qualification has two semesters and is made up of 60 credits. One can apply with master degree or university degree. The theoretical systems, economical and organisational connections are in the centre of the training. The graduating students will be able to plan, develop and realise media projects.

Duration: two semesters
Fee: 180.000 HUF/semester
You can find further information about the application and the faculty here!


Communication and Media Studies

Bachelor degree


Institute: NYME, Savaria University Centre, Art-, Eduction- and Sport Department
Graduation: Communication Expert

Duration of the training: 6 semesters
You can find further information about the application and the faculty here!


Pannon University
short training, graphic faculty

Institute: Pannon University, Veszprém

Students interested in graphics in media can choose from the following trainings:

* digital video
* basic flash
* flash intermediate

Duration of the training: 24-30 courses
Fees of trainings:
For Pannon University students: 26.000-38.000 HUF
For other students: 38.000-62.000 HUF
You can find further information about the application and the faculty here!

Digital Media Communication


Institute: NYME Apáczai Csere János Department, Győr

Training of people working in high schools, firms, enterprises who can make use of their experiences, abilities and knowledge in digital visual medium in the representation of their workplaces.

Duration of the training: 4 semesters
Fee of tarining: 75.000 HUF/semester

You can find further information about the application and the faculty here!

Actor training

Institute: NYME Savaria University, Szombathely

During the training the students can learn about drama and theatre history, dramaturgy, education history, costume history and aesthetics. The professional practice includes: actor/actress training, utterance technique, artistic utterance, sound creation, singing, motion on stage and dance.

You can find further information about the application and the faculty here!


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